Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Concert

Last Friday was my school's Christmas concert, in which all of the choirs at our school perform. The concert was really good. At the end, during all the bowing, the conductor was having all of the instrumentalists come out of the choir and bow separately - and then he pointed at me and Dave and had us come out and bow. Apparently, the school wants to show off their two Americans - although it is fairly true that without us the Lehrerchor (teacher's choir) would have not been nearly as good. Our friend Rich took some pictures - but most of them came out terribly since he was all the way in the back of the church and the lighting was quite terrible. He did make a nice recording of one of the songs though - although the video quality is terrible. The recording can be found at the following link:
Here is a link to the newspaper article and picture in the Freies Wort, the local independent newspaper:,745367

We have another concert this weekend with just the Kammerchor (chamber choir) in Manebach. Hopefully we will get some better pictures this time.

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