Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Becoming a Legal Alien

I finally took care of all of my paperwork yesterday. It was incredibly easy. At orientation they went through this whole long talk and elaborate step-by-step procedure that we would have to do, but apparently in Ilmenau they have streamlined the whole thing so I just had to show my passport, answer a couple questions, and then everything gets automatically sent off. One of the teachers from school came to help me out but it was completely unnecessary - but then we had Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) which is really my favorite part of Germany. I'm going to have to be careful that I don't spend TOO much time having cake - but it is SOOO incredibly good. Even the packaged cakes on the train are excellent - especially since they warm them up on put them on real plates with silverware.

I have to say that one of my favorite things about school in Germany is how there seems to always be food in the teacher's lounge. Today there was an elaborate breakfast (not sure why) with mountains of bread and sandwiches and coffee and etc. Granted, most of the bread had really disturbing looking meat products on it, most of which I don't even want to think about what they are - but that's ok. I like bread and tomatoes just fine - and it's free so who's complaining?

This week I've been continuing with my Hospitation period - which is fine although a bit boring. Next week, all the English teachers and I are having a meeting so we can talk about what I want to do, what I'm allowed to do, what they want me to teach, etc. I think I definitely want to work with the older students (since I have NO patience with younger children), but we'll see how it works out.

Exciting news for all you Hausers out there. I have been talking to Sue Rohrer about the Vasold family history and where we come from in Germany. Apparently we come from a town called Rudolstadt. Rudolstadt is a smallish town located 35 km east of Ilmenau. Yes that's right. Of all places I could possibly be put in all of Germany, I was placed in a town only 35 km from where we come from way back when. Unfortunately, it is hard to get to Rudolstadt because there is a mountain range in the middle. But I will be going there as soon as I figure out the best way to get there (it takes two hours on the bus or train). Stay tuned for pictures etc.

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