Thursday, September 20, 2007

random things

1) I was running through the woods today, listening to my iPod, when suddenly I thought I heard music that was not coming from my iPod. I took my headphones off and looked around - and lo and behold - there on a path below me - at least 2,5 km from anywhere - was a trombonist practicing his music. He had a stand and everything.

2) I finally figured out where the tofu was in the grocery store.

3) I joined the choir at school today. We sang Joy to the World in German which threw me off like crazy.

4) I have a part time job at an after school tutoring center. Amazing how much easier it becomes to find jobs like that when the headmaster at your school is the husband of the woman who runs the tutoring center.

5) I also got Dave a job at the tutoring center.. and he will be here in two weeks amazingly enough. It's been four months since I've seen him. That's a long time.

6) If you're reading this blog, you should leave comments... so I don't feel like I'm just typing out there in cyber space. I changed the settings so anyone can comment without being registered.

7) Coming soon... a historical and artistic tour of the lovely town of Ilmenau... and perhaps a visit to the capital of Thuringia, the Vasold homeland, Erfurt.

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